JSON Manager
Manage dataset and apply JSON Patch.
Applying patch
There is unknown number of products costing (N/A) each.
My first product is (unknown) and the original product was (unknown).
Patch an array of object:
View source code
<div data-wb-jsonmanager='{
"url": "demo/data-en.json",
"name": "example1",
"patches": [
{ "op": "wb-count", "path": "/products", "set": "/nbproduct" },
{ "op": "copy", "from": "/products/0", "path": "/product"},
{ "op": "wb-nbtolocal", "path": "/price", "prefix": "$" }
<p>There is <span data-json-replace="#[example1]/nbproduct">unknown number of</span> products costing <span data-json-replace="#[example1]/price">(N/A)</span> each.</p>
<p>My first product is <span data-json-replace="#[example1]/product">(unknown)</span> and the original product was <span data-json-replace="demo/data-en.json#/product">(unknown)</span>.</p>
<div data-wb-jsonmanager='{
"url": "demo/data-en.json#/level1/level2",
"name": "example2",
"patches": [
{ "op": "wb-toDateISO", "path": "/itm1" }
<p>Patch an array of object:</p>
<ul data-wb-json='{
"url": "#[example2]",
"mapping": [
{ "selector": "li", "value": "/itm1" }
File demo/data-en.json
"product": "Hello world",
"products": [
"My first product",
"My second product",
"My third product",
"My forth product"
"level1": {
"level2": [
"itm1": "2016-11-30T07:53:56Z"
"itm1": "2017-02-01T16:52:00Z"
"itm1": "2013-09-08T14:14:14Z"
"price": 1234.98
Displaying result from a JSON RESTful API
View source code
Consult the JSON RESTful API github result: https://api.github.com/repos/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues?labels=Work%3A+Accessibility
<h3>Work Accessibility issue <small>WET-BOEW on GitHub</small></h3>
<div class="row">
<aside id="aside" class="col-md-8 col-md-push-2 well" data-wb-jsonmanager='{
"url": "https://api.github.com/repos/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues?labels=Work%3A+Accessibility",
"name": "github",
"patches": [
{ "op": "wb-count", "path": "/rootArray", "set": "/nbissues" },
{ "op": "wb-last", "path": "/rootArray", "set": "/last" },
{ "op": "wb-first", "path": "/rootArray", "set": "/first" },
{ "op": "wb-toDateISO", "path": "/last/created_at", "set": "/oldest" },
{ "op": "wb-toDateISO", "path": "/first/created_at", "set": "/recent" },
{ "op": "add", "path": "/unhideme", "value": "hidden" }
"wraproot": "rootArray"
<h4 class="mrgn-tp-sm">Overview</h4>
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<li>Number of issues: <span data-json-replace="#[github]/nbissues"></span></li>
<li>Most recent issue: <a class="hidden" data-wb-json='[
"url": "#[github]/first/title",
"type": "replace"
"url": "#[github]/first/html_url",
"type": "attr",
"attr": "href"
"url": "#[github]/unhideme",
"type": "removeclass"
]'></a> (<span data-json-replace="#[github]/recent">unknown</span>)</li>
<li>Oldest issue: <a class="hidden" data-wb-json='[
"url": "#[github]/last/title",
"type": "replace"
"url": "#[github]/last/html_url",
"type": "attr",
"attr": "href"
"url": "#[github]/unhideme",
"type": "removeclass"
]'></a> (<span data-json-replace="#[github]/oldest">unknown</span>)</li>
<p><a href="https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22Work%3A+Accessibility%22">View open issues on GitHub</a></p>
<p>List of issues:</p>
<div data-wb-jsonmanager='{
"url": "https://api.github.com/repos/wet-boew/wet-boew/issues?labels=General%3A+Accessibility",
"name": "github-src",
"patches": [
{ "op": "wb-toDateISO", "path": "/updated_at" }
<ul data-wb-json='{
"url": "#[github-src]",
"mapping": [
{ "selector": "a", "value": "/title" },
{ "selector": "a", "value": "/html_url", "attr": "href" },
{ "selector": "span", "value": "/updated_at" }
<li>(<span></span>) <a href=""></a></li>
Work Accessibility issue WET-BOEW on GitHub
List of issues:
JSON patches operation
JSON operation is defined as per RFC6002 - JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch with additional operation to fullfill the needs of the JSON manager. Described in the documentation, the following operation are supported by default: add
, remove
, replace
, move
, copy
, test
, wb-count
, wb-first
, wb-last
, wb-toDateISO
and wb-toDateTimeISO
You can set the configuration option "debug": true
to show next to the json manager the modified JSON object with the applied patches. The JSON content are displayed without formating.
Number of products: Not available
View source code
<p data-wb-jsonmanager='{
"url": "demo/data-en.json",
"name": "example3",
"patches": { "op": "wb-count", "path": "/products", "set": "/nbproduct" },
"debug": true
}'>Number of products: <span data-json-replace="#[example3]/nbproduct">Not available</span></p>
Page details
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