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Méli-mélo features

Reusable features that are into a preliminary state of experimentation. Features are built from custom CSS and/or Javascript code. Check out the list of mélis-mélos below.

Support is provided during the wet-boew weekly code sprint happening remotely every Tuesday afternoon.

Requirements for a proper méli-mélo feature

Contribution instructions

Technical review checklist

This list contains the steps that the wet-boew technical review team uses to approve new méli-mélo features.

Méli-mélo compilations

Features are grouped into compilations in order to quickly:

Every compilations life expectancy is less than one (1) year. That should provide a feature's sponsor department enough time to find resources to make their feature progressing as an official GCWeb feature. A frozen (expired) méli-mélo compilation should not be used into any web page.

This framework for méli-mélo compilations and features are excluded from the GCWeb public API. Any change or removal would only trigger a patch release of GCWeb. That means the author are fully responsible but not required to documents any subsequent change they would make at their méli-mélo feature.

List of active méli-mélo compilations

(View the frozen and deprecated méli-mélo compilations (in French only).)

List of méli-mélo sub-compilations (features)

See also: GC promotional thematics for custom code that is explicitly for promotional content and that affects a respectable set of pages.

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